Riondel Water System

System Description and Governance

The Riondel system was first developed in the mid-1900s to service the Bluebell mine site. It was converted to a Regional District service in 1972. The Riondel water treatment plant was completed in March 2016. 

For more information on the Riondel water system view the presentation provided at an Open House.

The Regional District receives community-specific advice and policy guidance from the Riondel Commission of Management. The Commission also coordinates the operation and maintenance of the system. Given the evolving regulatory framework, complexity of potential liabilities inherent in water system management, governance changes are being implemented starting in 2022, including establishment of an overall Water Services Committee to represent all water systems and convert some water Commissions of Management to a Water Services Community Advisory Committee.

Annual Drinking Water Information

Size and Number of Connections

The system services 198 active connections.


The system is located in the community of Riondel, on the East Shore of Kootenay Lake with access off of Highway 3A. Riondel is within RDCK Electoral Area A.


The water system derives source water from Indian Creek. The supply area is designated as a Community Watershed.


Treatment includes a coarse 100 micron self-cleaning screen, followed by membrane filtration for physical removal of some microbiological componenets and turbidity reduction. Sodium hypochlorite (chlorine) is then added for disinfection of bacteria and viruses.


The system includes a 100,000 gallon steel reservoir. The capacity of the tank meets existing local water demands and may be able to support moderate growth.

Distribution System

A large portion of the distribution system was replaced in 1978. It includes approximately 4.6 kilometres of steel and PVC mainlines. Reports suggest that this infrastructure remains in good condition.


Existing fire-fighting infrastructure includes 12 hydrants and two standpipes. The capacity of the reservoir meets current guidelines for fire protection. The Riondel water system has been recognized by the Fire Underwriters Survey as having a Dwelling Protection Grade since 1992. Subscribing insurance providers can get water system grading information from Fire Underwriters Survey.

Significant Issues 

High water demand in Riondel has resulted in the requirement for the issuance of up to Stage 3 water conservation measures in recent years.

Plans for Future Upgrades

A reservoir valve chamber replacement and new reservoir flow meter; water treatment plant standby power; intake repairs; and filter membrane replacement are planned in the near future. 

Water Quality Monitoring

Water quality is regularly monitored in the Riondel Water System and is reported to Interior Health. 

For more information please see the 2023 Annual Report of Monitoring (Riondel)

Asset Management Planning

An Asset Management Plan is complete and updated annually. The Asset Management Plan identifies required asset replacements over a 25 year and 100 year period and identifies annual contributions to water system reserves required to fund the replacements.

The content on this page was last updated June 27 2024 at 7:14 AM