Grandview Properties
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System Description and Governance
This Grandview Properties water system was initially constructed in 2001 and further expanded in 2008 to increase the service area.
This system was converted to a RDCK service in January 2012. It was historically privately owned and operated.
Community representation is provided by a volunteer Water System Community Advisory Committee.
Annual Drinking Water Information
Size and Number of Connections
This system has 68 active water account connections, of which about half are currently developed. At full build-out, the development is anticipated to have 78 serviced lots.
This system is located in the residential development commonly known as Grandview Properties, just a 5 minute drive west of Balfour. This system is within RDCK Electoral Area E.
The Grandview Properties Water System draws water from Kootenay Lake. The water is pumped from the lakeshore uphill to a reservoir.
Grandview Properties water system uses a SCADA (System Control and Data Acquisition) system to electronically monitor water quality, treatment, flow, etc. Treatment for the system includes: media filtration and cartridge filtration for turbidity reduction; ultraviolet light for disinfections/inactivation of microbiological components; and, chlorination treatment for disinfection of bacteria and viruses.
This system has two storage components, a lower reservoir with 233,000 L capacity, which meets the anticipated maximum daily demand for 49 connections, as well as fire storage, emergency provisions, and flux volume. The system also includes an upper reservoir with a 252,000L capacity to meet the same requirements for an additional 29 connections.
Distribution System
The distribution system consists primarily of HDPE piping.
This system has sufficient capacity to meet the requirement for rural fire-fighting demand. There are seven hydrants on the system. The Fire Underwriters Survey recognizes the system as having a Dwelling Protection grade. Subscribing insurance providers can get water system grading information from Fire Underwriters Survey.
Significant Issues
This system would be more financially sustainable at a higher occupancy rate. It is anticipated that more homes will be built and connected to the water system in the near future.
Universal Metering
The Grandview Properties developer had required that all residences in Grandview have water meters installed to monitor system demand. Water demands were reviewed in 2014 and it was determined that water demand was much higher than anticipated and that at the current consumption rate the water system may not be able to support full planned development.
A universal metering program has been implemented in Grandview Properties Water System.
Benefits of meter based billing are:
- Improved water loss detection and management
- Improved water conservation resulting in lower operating costs
- Reduced capital infrastructure costs
- Equitable water rates - large water consumers would pay more for their water consumption
For more information, please visit the Water Meters webpage.
Plans for Future Upgrades
There are no plans for signficant upgrades at this time.
Asset Management Planning
An Asset Management Plan is complete and being updated annually. The Asset Management Plan identifies required asset replacements over a 25 year and 100 year period and identifies annual contributions to water system reserves required to fund the replacements.
The content on this page was last updated May 1 2024 at 6:51 AM