Clear Water and Steep Creek Hazards

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National Disaster Mitigation Program (NDMP)


In the spring of 2019 the Regional District of Central Kootenay completed a Risk Prioritization Study to identify areas at risk for flood and debris flow geohazards throughout the region. The Risk Prioritization Study was the first step in a series of projects that will enable our communities to be prepared for peak river flows, intense rain storms and other extreme weather events.
During the summer of 2019, the RDCK in partnership with Emergency Management BC began a second project to provide new flood mapping for 16 high priority areas identified through the Risk Prioritization Study. This project is now complete and the flood mapping and associated reports are publicly available.
Our goal throughout these projects is to support land use planning and to help our communities be resilient to flood related emergencies.

Project Description

In the summer of 2019, the RDCK undertook region wide assessments to update existing flood mapping. 
The work focused on high priority areas identified during a 2018-2019 regional study that prioritized flood and steep creek hazard areas across the District (BGC, March 31, 2019).
The assessment objectives for each study area included the completion of detailed hazard assessments including data compilation, fieldwork and analysis and preparation of hazard maps and reports for each study area.
Through the provision of detailed hazard maps and information, the Stream 2 study supports community planning, bylaw enforcement, emergency response, risk control, and asset management.
The results of this project are now publicly available and the reports can be downloaded from the table below.




All Areas

Methodology Report 

Summary Report


Goat River
Goat River - Final Report  
Crawford Creek 
Crawford Creek - Final Report   
Burton Creek - Final Report  
Salmo River  Salmo River - Final Report  
Slocan River  Slocan River - Final Report  
Eagle Creek  Eagle Creek - Final Report Eagle Creek Composite Hazard Map
Kaslo River at Kaslo  Kaslo River - Final Report  
Duhamel Creek  Duhamel Creek - Final Report Duhamel Creek Composite Hazard
Kokanee Creek  Kokanee Creek - Final Report  Kokanee Creek Composite Hazard Map 
Wilson Creek  Wilson Creek - Final Report Wilson Creek Composite Hazard Map
Cooper Creek Cooper Creek - Final Report  Cooper Creek Composite Hazard Map
Harrop Creek  Harrop Creek - Final Report  Harrop Creek Composite Hazard Map
Procter Creek 
Procter Creek - Final Report  Procter Creek Composite Hazard Map
Redfish Creek  Redfish Creek - Final Report  Redfish Creek Composite Hazard Map
Sitkum Creek Sitkum Creek - Final Report  Sitkum Creek Composite Hazard Map
Kuskonook Creek  Kuskonook Creek - Final Report Kuskonook Creek Composite Hazard Map 

Project Benefits

The purpose of this study is to update and enhance the accessibility of flood and landslide hazard maps to the public, property owners, qualified professionals and regulators. The maps will also inform emergency management planning.

Supporting Documents

Public Outreach

The public outreach for this project will include: public bulletins, newspaper advertisements, media releases and facebook posts. Properties where access for field crews are required will be contacted directly by RDCK staff.
For all other inquiries, RDCK Planning staff is available to answer questions about the flood map study. Please contact us at 250-352-1549 or

Other Hazard Reports

The content on this page was last updated October 4 2023 at 5:03 AM