Recreation Commission 9 (Area A)

Recreation Commission 9 is a local commission established by the RDCK Board to operate the Recreational Program Local Service in Area A between Riondel and Cow Creek (north of Kuskonook).  The Recreation Commission has the mandate to carry out recreational programming activities and provide financial contributions to groups providing recreational programs on behalf of the commission.

Commission Meetings

Commission meetings are held at Community Corner at 15990 Highway 3A, Crawford Bay BC.  Meetings are open to the public unless otherwise advisertised for reasons persuant to Section 90 of the Community Charter. 

2024 Meeting Schedule

Area A Recreation Commission No. 9

Date Time
January 25, 2024

2 p.m. - 3 p.m. MST

April 29, 2024

2 p.m. - 3 p.m. MST

October 1, 2024 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. MST

Grant Information

Eligible non-profit organisations, societies and clubs serving the Electoral Area A Local Service Recreation Commission area may apply for recreation program funding.

Annual Grant Cycles

1. Spring – for projects/programs running in Summer and Fall
2. Fall – for projects/programs running in Winter and Spring

Application Information

Application Form

Application Evaluation Criteria

  • The applicant has demonstrated that there is a significant community recreational, park or trailneed for this program/event/project and it fills a gap that is not currently covered or duplicated by other services within their community.

  • The project plays a unique role specific to the community.  The project serves and involves the community.

  • The budget has included admission/registration fees.

  • The applicant has leveraged additional resources. (i.e., capital project has matching funds for requested amount).

  • Final Reports are up to date and complete.

  • Is this a new applicant (higher score)?  Is this a repeat candidate (lower score)?

Application Submission

Please complete the online application form in its entirety including a list of Executive Officers, a copy of the organisation's latest financial statement, and additional information as needed.

Final Financial Reporting Requirements

Organisations in receipt of Recreation 9 funding over $1,000 are required to submit a final financial report for each project supported with Recreation 9 funding. The report must be completed in its entirety including financial statement information, project outcome details, accompanied by copies of receipts/invoices that provide details and proof of how all the funding was utilised.  Project expenditures supported by Recreation 9 funding need to have incurred during the noted project period.

Final Financial Reports
Final Financial Reports


For more information regarding Electoral Area A, please contact

The content on this page was last updated August 8 2024 at 5:26 AM