Agricultural Advisory Commission (AAC)
The role and purpose of an Agricultural Advisory Commission (AAC) is to provide advice to local government on agricultural issues. The RDCK has one Agricultural Advisory Commission (AAC) for Electoral Areas A, B and C (Creston Valley).
Generally the focus of such committees is to provide review and advice on applications initiated under the Agricultural Land Commission Act and applications for amendments or permits initiated under various land use bylaws of the RDCK as it pertains to agricultural land and agricultural activity.
Minutes from the AAC meeting, must be finalized (signed) prior to posting on this site. Subject to the frequency of their respective meetings, this may sometimes result in delays in posting the finalized minutes after the meeting date.
For copies of Agricultural Advisory Commission Minutes, please visit our page under Land Use and Planning, by clicking here.
Helpful Information for AAC Members
Agricultural Advisory Commission Orientation Manual
RDCK Agricultural Advisory Commission Bylaw No. 2492, 2016
The content on this page was last updated February 18 2021 at 6:26 AM