Invasive Plants (Noxious Weeds)
The Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society (CKISS) coordinates an invasive species program within the Regional District of Central Kootenay. This includes implementation of the draft RDCK Invasive Species Strategy. An invasive species is a species that lacks natural controls and causes damage to the environment, human economy or human health. The CKISS mission is to protect ecosystems and communities by preventing and reducing the harmful impacts of invasive species.
Invasive species can outcompete native plants and animals – they are one of the five main drivers of biodiversity loss globally and have played a key role in 60 per cent of plant and animal extinctions globally (IPBES 2023). Invasive species impacts go beyond biodiversity and also seriously affect economic activities, livelihoods, food security, and human health and well-being (IUCN 2018).
Take action to prevent the spread of invasive species by visiting the CKISS website. Learn to identify invasive species, how to get involved and how to control invasive species on your land.
Noxious weeds (invasive plants) are accepted at no charge at most RDCK Resource Recovery Facilities for disposal. Noxious weeds must be bagged in transparent bags, unless advance arrangements are made through the RDCK's Environmental Services Department. Refer to Schedule C of the RDCK Resource Recovery Facilitites Regulatory Bylaw for disposal specifications.
For more information about invasive species please contact CKISS by email: OR call: 1-844-352-1160 OR visit their website:
The content on this page was last updated January 17 2024 at 1:14 AM