Creston Valley Kootenay Lake Economic Action Partnership
The Creston Valley Kootenay Lake Economic Action Partnership (CV-KL EAP) is a voluntary collaboration of the Town of Creston and Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Electoral Areas A, B, and C. The CV-KL EAP is a strategic partnership seeking to address regional economic opportunities and challenges in a collaborative way. The CV-KL EAP seeks to enact and build upon the ‘Stronger Together – Creston Valley – Kootenay Lake Economic Action Strategy.’
The CV-KL EAP works towards a shared vision of economic prosperity, as articulated in Stronger Together:
The communities of CV-KL work together to ensure a thriving local economy that is inclusive, supports a high quality of life, and builds on our strengths in agriculture, tourism & recreation and small business. Residents can find or create work that meets their needs, and businesses can find or create work that meets their needs, and businesses can find qualified staff. Local businesses collaborate for shared success and have the community and government support they need to thrive. New residents and businesses are drawn to the area by the high quality of life and services available. CV-KL is a place for innovation, collaboration, and living a great life.
Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee is made up of representatives of the CV-KL EAP partners, as well as of sector representatives within the CV-KL community. The Committee provides direction and sets priorities, goals and objectives for CV-KL EAP strategic plans and work plans. The Committee builds relationships between community members, communicates community needs, and shares information related to economic issues/opportunities in service of the CV-KL EAP vision.
- Partner Representatives (appointed by respective local governments) Town of Creston, RDCK Electoral A, B and C
- Local Government Representatives (staff): RDCK CAO, Town of Creston CAO, Lower Kootenay Band COO
- Economic Development Sector Representatives: Tourism; forestry; agriculture; social sector; small business
- Representative from the Area A Economic Development Commission
Advisory Committee will meet 2-4 times per year plus one strategic planning session. A Chair and Vice-Chair will be elected.
The term of office for advisory committee positions will be two (2) years. Full terms of reference for the Advisory Committee can be requested from the RDCK at the information below.
How to Apply
The CV-KL EAP is seeking volunteer committee members representing the economic sector areas of tourism; forestry; agriculture; social sector; small business.
Interested community members are asked to submit:
- a short biography reflecting your experience in a specific sector area and
- a statement as to why you are interested in supporting the Creston Valley Kootenay Lake Economic Action Partnership.
Please send your information by Thursday, November 28 to:
Stuart Horn, RDCK CAO
The content on this page was last updated November 6 2019 at 2:11 AM