Assent Voting: West Creston Fire Protection Service Establishment Amendment and Loan Authorization



We encourage you to review new information as it becomes available before making your decision.

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the electors within a defined portion of Electoral Area C of the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) that “Assent Voting” is necessary to determine if the electors are in favour of the West Creston Fire Protection Area Service Establishment Amendment and Loan Authorization.

Click to view the PDF map of the defined portion of Electoral Area C in the West Creston Fire Protection Service Area.

Click to view the JPG map of the defined portion of Electoral Area C in the West Creston Fire Protection Service Area.

Click to view the proposed West Creston Fire Protection Area Service Establishment Amendment Bylaw No. 2912, 2024.

Click to view the proposed West Creston Fire Protection Service Loan Authorization (Fire Hall, Water Tender, and Frontline Fire Engine) Bylaw No. 2916, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions: 2024-05-07-WCF-FAQ.pdf [PDF - 489 KB]

West Creston Fire Protection Service Referendum Presentation from RDCK Regional Fire Chief, David Zayonce [PDF - 2 MB]

Fire Underwriters Survey - A service to insurers and muncipalities

West Creston Fire Protection - Project Budget and Residential Taxation Projections [PDF - 587 KB]


It is anticipated that the defined portion of Electoral Area C eligible electors will have the opportunity to participate in an assent vote at the following location, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.:

Advanced Voting Day: September 4, 2024
Creston and District Community Complex
312 19th Ave. N
Creston, B.C.

General Voting Day: September 14, 2024
Creston and District Community Complex
312 19th Ave. N
Creston, B.C.

MAIL BALLOT: Qualified electors wishing to receive a Mail Ballot Package must call or email (see assent vote contacts) the RDCK starting August 15, 2024 and no later than September 12, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. Ballots must be returned to the RDCK at Box 590, 202 Lakeside Drive, Nelson, BC by 8:00 p.m., Saturday, September 14, 2024. In the event that ballots cannot be returned by mail they may be hand delivered to reception or placed in the mail slot at 202 Lakeside Drive, Nelson BC. 

The vote will be conducted in accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA). The questions to be asked to obtain the assent of the electors shall be:

Are you in favour of the Regional District adopting both of the following bylaws? 
☐ YES      ☐ NO

  1. West Creston Fire Protection Area Service Establishment Amendment Bylaw No. 2912, 2024 which will permit the Regional District to increase the maximum annual allowable requisition for West Creston Fire Service S291 from $146,250 or $1.57/$1,000 of net taxable value of land and improvement within the service area, whichever is greater, to $393,831 or $2.5519/$1000 of net taxable value of land and improvements within the service area, whichever is greater; and
  2. West Creston Fire Protection Service Loan Authorization (Fire Hall, Water Tender & Frontline Fire Engine) Bylaw No. 2916, 2024, which will permit the Regional District to borrow an amount not to exceed $2,151,900 for the purpose of completing the construction of the West Creston Fire Hall and replacing the frontline West Creston Water Tender and Fire Engine.

Purpose: To amend the maximum annual allowable requisition for the West Creston Fire Service and borrow an amount not to exceed $2,151,900 for the purpose of completing the construction of the West Creston Fire Hall and replace the frontline West Creston Water Tender and Fire Engine.

Rate Implications: It is anticipated that the maximum requisition amount for the defined portion of Electoral Area C is $393,831 or an amount equivalent to $2.5519/$1000 of the actual assessed value of land and improvements. It should be noted that this equates to a proposed residential rate of $2.3176.


Notices will be published in the Creston Valley Advance, the RDCK Facebook Page, and posted on public notice posting places for the following:



Date of publication 

LGA Reference

Notice of Voter Registration [PDF - 287 KB] 

Inform voters of advance registration

June 13 & June 20

LGA 50,


West Creston Fire Protection - OPEN HOUSE

TIME: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.


West Creston Community Hall

1350 West Creston Road

June 25


Notice of End of Advanced Elector Registration [PDF - 942 KB]


Notice of Inspection of Electors List [PDF - 942 KB]


Notice of Period of Objection to Elector Registration [PDF - 942 KB]

Inform voters of last day to advance register for voting.

Inform voters that the electors list is now publicly available.

Inform voters that objections to the electors list are now be received.

July 4 & July 11

LGA 50

LGA 71(5)



LGA 50,




LGA 50,


Notice of Application For Scrutineers (see the application for Scrutineers below)

Request volunteer scrutineers

July 11 & July 18

LGA 50,


Notice of Assent Vote

Inform voters of where they may vote and when

Aug 15 & Aug 22

LGA 50, 176(1), 107(5)

Official Results


Sept 16


Assent Voting (Referendum): Under Section 85 of the Community Charter, approval of the electors within the service area is being obtained by means of assent voting. Assent is obtained only if a majority of the votes counted as valid are in favour of the question.

Who May Vote: Electors within the boundary of the service area (defined portion of Electoral Area C) are the only persons entitled to participate in this assent vote. An elector is a person who meets the requirements and qualifications as described below.

Resident electors must meet the following requirements:

  • You are a Canadian citizen;
  • You are 18 years of age or older on or before general voting day;
  • You are a resident of BC for at least 6 months immediately prior to the day of registration;
  • You are a resident of the RDCK rural electoral area in which you are voting; and
  • You are not disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other Act from voting in an election or be otherwise disqualified by law.

Resident Elector Registration Form (please fill out the form and bring it with you on voting day) - 2022-Resident_Elector-Form_200M

Non-resident (property) electors must meet the following requirements:

  • You are a Canadian citizen;
  • You are 18 years of age or older on or before general voting day;
  • You have lived in BC for at least 6 months immediately prior to the day of registration;
  • You must have been a registered owner of real property in the municipality or electoral area for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registration (Note: the only persons who are registered owners of the real property, either as joint tenants or tenants in common, are individuals who are not holding the property in trust for a corporation or another trust);
  • You must only register in relation to one piece of property in the jurisdiction;
  • If more than one person owns the property, only one owner may register and that person must have the written consent of a majority of the other owners; and
  • You are not disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other Act from voting in an election or be otherwise disqualified by law.

Non-Resident Elector Registration Form (please fill out the form and bring it with you on voting day) - No-7-2-Non_Resident_Elector_Registration-Fillable [PDF - 883 KB]

Non-Resident Elector Written Consent Form (please fill out the form and bring it with you on voting day) - No-7-3-Non_Resident_Elector_Consent_Form-Fillable [PDF - 825 KB]

To see if you are registered to vote, please visit our Voter Registration section. 

Scrutineers: Only persons entitled to vote in the assent voting are entitled to act as scrutineers for assent voting. Election officials are ineligible to volunteer as a scrutineer. Only one scrutineer for the question and one scrutineer against the question may be present at each voting place.

Scrutineers for or against the bylaw must apply to volunteer during the application period (July 30 to August 9, 2024) by filling out the following form and sending to the Chief Election Officer: No-21-1-Application-Act-Scrutineer-Assent Vote-01.pdf


Assent Vote Process
Tom Dool / Angela Lund
Chief Elections Officer / Deputy Chief Elections Officer
Phone: 250.352.8173 / 250.352.8160

West Creston Fire Protection
David Zayonce
Regional Fire Chief
Phone: 250.352.8198


The content on this page was last updated September 17 2024 at 1:56 AM