Community Development

Community Development Grant Program

The RDCK Community Development Program was established to support initiatives from non-profit organizations that further the social, economic and environmental well being of the Regional District's residents and organizations. The program may also assist in reducing district tax requisitions with approval from the Board.

Community Development grant funding is provided on an ongoing intake basis, dependent upon balance of funding, by RDCK Area Directors from Area A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, the Town of Creston and Villages of Kaslo, Nakusp, New Denver, Salmo, Silverton and Slocan.

Please review the RDCK Board approved Community Development Program Grants Policy for requirements regarding the disbursement of Community Development Grants before submitting your application.

IMPORTANT: Before applying, applicants MUST first discuss a grant application with the applicable Area Director(s) to ensure they are supportive of the project.


How to Apply? 

Applicants must first discuss project proposals with Area Directors prior to applying for a Community Development Grant to ensure their local Director is in support of the project. Visit the list of Directors here.

Complete applications, supported and signed by Area Directors, received by the Grants Coordinator on the Monday of the week prior to the scheduled RDCK Board meeting, will be included on that board Agenda. Incomplete or late applications will be returned for completeness and/or will be considered for a future Board date.

If you have any other questions or require further information, please contact the Grants Coordinator at or 250-352-1870.

Financial Reports

Within one year of grant award, recipients of Community Development grant funding must complete and submit a final financial report that details how the funds were expended. Loss of eligibility for future Community Development grants may result from failure to submit required reports.  You can access the online Final Report here: CD Grant Final Financial Report

The content on this page was last updated February 11 2025 at 5:52 AM