WKBR Hospital District

Welcome to the webpage for the West Kootenay-Boundary Regional Hospital District (WKBRHD).
Here you will find information about the following:


Hospital districts are legislated under the Hospital District Act.

The main purpose of the WKBRHD is to provide funding for hospital equipment and capital projects. Projects and priorities are proposed each year by the Interior Health Authority (IHA), with a list developed in consultation between the IHA and WKBRHD. The hospital district typically pays for 40% of the cost of approved projects while the remaining 60% is funded by the Provincial Government or through donations provided by local hospital foundations.

For more information on programs and services offered by Interior Health, please visit the Interior Health website at www.interiorhealth.ca

Mission Statement

That the West Kootenay-Boundary Regional Hospital District Board of Directors’ mission is to determine local property taxpayers’ responsibility for health care matters established by the Hospital District Act within the West Kootenay-Boundary Regional Hospital District’s authority.


The West Kootenay-Boundary Regional Hospital District (WKBRHD) is a separate entity from the Regional District of Central Kootenay. The hospital district board is comprised of 17 RDCK directors and 13 Regional District of Kootenay-Boundary directors:

Central Kootenay:

Area A: Garry Jackman
Area D: Aimee Watson
Area E: Cheryl Graham
Area F: Tom Newell
Area G: Hans Cunningham
Area H: Walter Popoff
Area I: Andy Davidoff
Area J: Henny Hanegraaf
Area K: Teresa Weatherhead
Castlegar: Brian Bogle
Kaslo: Suzan Hewat
Nakusp: Aidan McLaren-Caux
Nelson: Keith Page
New Denver: Leonard Casley
Salmo: Diana Lockwood
Silverton: Colin Ferguson
Slocan: Ezra Buller

Kootenay Boundary:

Area A: Ali Grieve
Area B: Linda Worley
Area C: Grace McGregor
Area D: Linda Kay Wiese
Area E: Sharen Gibbs
Fruitvale: Bill Wenman
Grand Forks: Everett Baker
Greenwood: Jessica McLean
Midway: Judy, Willsey
Montrose: Don Berriault
Rossland: Jeff Weaver
Trail: Terry Martin
Warfield: Frank Marino

Board Chair: Suzan Hewat
Board Acting Chair: Frank Marino


2024 WKBRHD Board Meetings will be held at 6:00pm on the following dates:

  • Wednesday January 24;
  • Wednesday March 27;
  • Wednesday June 26; and
  • Wednesday October 23.

Board Agendas and Minutes

To view agendas and minutes, click on the below:

Meeting Date



June 26, 2024


 March 27, 2024


January 24, 2024




October 25, 2023


June 28, 2023


March 22, 2023


January 25, 2023


September 28, 2022


June 22, 2022


March 23, 2022


January 26, 2022


October 27, 2021


June 23, 2021


March 24, 2021


January 27, 2021







2024-01-24-Addenda (uploaded 01/24/24)




Meeting Cancelled














Meeting Cancelled


















Meeting Cancelled














 Meeting Cancelled










If you would like to view Agendas, Minutes and Newsletters for years prior to 2021 please submit your request to info@rdck.bc.ca.


Do you or an organization wish to make a presentation to the WKBRHD Board?
If so, please consult the Delegation Policy.

To request to appear before the Board, please fill out and submit the Delegates Request.

The content on this page was last updated August 22 2024 at 5:38 AM