RDCK Board Highlights - March 2024
April 5, 2024
RDCK Adopts Five-Year Financial Plan
The Board of Directors adopted the 2024-2028 Financial Plan Bylaw, an annual requirement which must be completed by end of March each year. This year’s budget will see a 5.8% average increase in property taxes for RDCK residents, although this is highly variable depending on the Electoral Area or Municipality the resident lives in.
The RDCK hosted nine hybrid public information sessions (in-person and online), plus two Special Budget Meetings over the last two months, which allowed the public in our various sub regions to comment and provide feedback on the five-year Financial Plan.
Residents are encouraged to review the financial plan and reach out to staff or Directors with questions.
West Creston Fire Protection Services
Assent voting will be held July 27, 2024 in Electoral Area C for the approval of the West Creston Fire Protection Area Service Establishment Bylaw and the West Creston Fire Protection Service Loan Authorization Bylaw. The loan authorization bylaw requests a 20-year financing term up to $2,129,000 for the construction of the West Creston Fire Hall, the replacement of the water tender, and the purchase of a frontline fire engine for the West Creston Fire Department.
Recording RDCK Board Meetings
Starting in April, the Board has approved the recording of RDCK Board meetings and making the recordings available to the public. This applies to all RDCK Board meetings or Special Board meetings and not to meetings held by RDCK Committees, Commissions, departments, or specific staff. While meeting minutes serve as the official record, recordings will be offered to enhance access to Board meeting content, while allowing for increased transparency in how the Board of Directors makes decisions on RDCK program and services.
Director’s Reports
RDCK Directors provide monthly reports outlining what they have been working on. Click here to read the March reports in the Board minutes.
RDCK Quarterly Report
For the latest RDCK Quarterly Report, which details the current projects and initiatives of the RDCK, please follow the link.
Click here to view a print-friendly PDF version.
The content on this page was last updated April 5 2024 at 4:13 AM