RDCK Board Highlights - May 2024
May 24, 2024
Resident Directed (ReDi) grant funding
The Board approved the 2024 Columbia Basin Trust Resident Directed (ReDi) grant funding. A total of $1,447,575.31 in funding will be allocated to 290 different project proposals. 22 community input meetings were held across the RDCK during the month of April. This was an opportunity for each community to provide feedback on the proposals. Results from the community engagement were considered at each Area’s adjudication committee meeting. Click here for a complete list of all the recipients of ReDi funding. The programs support local projects that provide additional value to Basin communities, and that benefit the broad community and public good.
Memorandum of Understanding - Castlegar and District Economic Development Partnership
The Board authorized a memorandum of understanding between the RDCK (Electoral Areas I and J) and the City of Castlegar for the Castlegar and District Economic Development Partnership. The purpose of the partnership is to establish a sustainable partnership and funding model that uses a collaborative, strategic approach to generate long term capacity, thus ensuring the current and future economic well being of the community in the City of Castlegar and RDCK Areas I and J.
Community Futures Central Kootenay and the Castlegar and District Chamber of Commerce will provide economic development administration and coordination services on behalf of the partners, including - managing program finances, develop advisory and partners committees, business community liaison, grant writing support, and leverage funding. The terms of the agreement will see the Memorandum of Understanding in place until December 31, 2026.
Parkland Dedication Policy
The Board adopted the new Parkland Dedication Policy, effective January 1, 2025. The revised policy addresses inconsistencies between the old policy (originally adopted in 2010) and the Local Government Act (LGA), as well as addressing community parkland needs in the RDCK.
The LGA requires local governments to take land to be dedicated as parkland at the time of subdivision, or cash-in-lieu of parkland where authorized to do so. This section of the LGA is intended to ensure that developers bear the costs of providing parkland opposed to local taxpayers in the future.
Parkland dedication is required for subdivisions that create three or more new lots that are smaller than 2 hectares. Generally, 5% of the land proposed for subdivision must be dedicated as parkland. When it comes to a payment of cash-in-lieu of parkland, the BC Assessment assessed value will be used as a baseline.
Audited Financial Statements
The Board approved the 2023 audited financial statements by BDO Canada. Audited financial statements provide a consolidated and independently verified overview of a local government’s financial activities over the course of the previous fiscal year and its financial position at the end of that year. Click here to view the 2023 audited financial statements.
911 Service Agreement Renewal
The Board approved the renewal of the 911 Service Agreement with the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George (RDFFG) for fire/rescue dispatching services for a term ending December 31, 2028. The dispatching services by RDFFG are an integral component of every emergency response made by RDCK Regional Fire Services, while also enhancing safety through precise and effective communications. The RDCK has been using the RDFFG’s services since 2018.
Dog Control Services
The Board directed staff to review current dog control service levels, evaluate the opportunities for a standardized service level across RDCK rural areas, and evaluate options for dog control service to be provided by the RDCK bylaw enforcement team. Currently, dog control services are contracted out, however an integrated enforcement approach could prove to be more cost efficient. Additionally, staff are directed to draft a “responsible dog owner`s bylaw” for Board consideration, and draft an establishment bylaw to deliver dog control service to all rural areas in the RDCK. As part of the process staff will consult with municipalities on interest in the service.
Director’s Reports
RDCK Directors provide monthly reports outlining what they have been working on. Click here to read the May reports in the Board minutes.
RDCK Quarterly Report
For the latest RDCK Quarterly Report, which details the current projects and initiatives of the RDCK, please follow the link.
Click here to view a print-friendly PDF version.
The content on this page was last updated May 24 2024 at 3:10 AM