Rural Affairs Committee Meeting
Date & Time: September 13, 2023 (9:00am - 12:00pm)
Category: Meetings (See all events in this category)
To promote openness, transparency and provide accessibility to the public we provide the ability to attend all RDCK meetings in-person or remote. If you are attending from a remote location, you will need a good internet connection or access to a telephone.
Attending In-person:
RDCK Head Office - Board Room
202 Lakeside Dr, Nelson BC
Join by Video:
Meeting number (access code): 2773 863 5190
Meeting password: KmnNMySP278
Join by Phone:
1-844-426-4405 Canada Toll Free
+1-604-449-3026 Canada Toll (Vancouver)
Meeting number (access code): 2773 863 5190
Open Rural Affairs Committee Agenda: 2023-09-13-RAC-Agenda.pdf
Open Rural Affairs Committee Addenda: 2023-09-13-RAC-Addenda.pdf (posted 09/12/2023)
The public will have an opportunity to ask questions in the meeting during Public Time. If you are unable to attend and have a question for the Rural Affairs Committee please email your question to the meeting coordinator prior to the meeting.
For meeting minutes please contact the meeting coordinator.
For more information on the process, expectations and requirements, please refer to the consolidated
Meeting Coordinator: Christine Hopkyns
Phone: (250) 352-1575
The content on this page was last updated September 12 2023 at 5:06 AM