RDCK Board Highlights - November 2024

Aimee Watson acclaimed as RDCK Board Chair for 2025

Electoral Area D Director Aimee Watson was acclaimed as Board Chair for 2025 by the RDCK Board at this month’s meeting. Chair Watson has served as the RDCK Electoral Area D Director since 2014 and begins her seventh term as Chair.

Village of Nakusp Councillor and RDCK Director Aidan McLaren-Caux was elected as Board Vice-Chair for 2025 by the Board of Directors. Vice-Chair McLaren-Caux has served as a RDCK Director since 2022 and begins his first term as Vice-Chair.

The Board Chair and Vice-Chair are elected annually by the Board of Directors and serve a one-year term.

Pictured (L-R) - Aidan McLaren-Caux, RDCK Board Vice-Chair and Aimee Watson, RDCK Board Chair

Forestry WorksforBC letter of support

The Board will send a letter of support to the Ministry of Forests regarding the Forestry WorksforBC campaign. Forestry WorksforBC is a group of forest-based organizations and companies, representing more than 1,000 businesses engaged in all aspects of British Columbia’s forestry sector. The objective of the campaign is to bring awareness to how much this industry affects the provincial economy, and the impact mill closures across the province have on communities and families. From the perspective of the Board, forestry is critical to the area, but it is imperative to ensure ecological and community values are considered in forestry practices. Increasing efficiency of use through value added regional production is critical.

Economic Trust of the Southern Interior BC

The Board appointed the following Directors (Hanegraaf – rural, Lockwood – municipal, Lunn – municipal, and McLaren-Caux – alternate) to the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior BC for a two-year term ending December 31, 2026. The not-for-profit corporation was created to administer a $50 million one-time endowment intended to support investment in the economy of the Southern Interior of BC.

Emergency and Disaster Management Act – Indigenous Engagement Requirements

British Columbia’s new Emergency and Disaster Management Act (EDMA) requires consultation and cooperation with Indigenous Governing Bodies is undertaken by all municipalities and regional districts in a culturally safe manner, across all phases of emergency management. The RDCK Board will partner with member municipalities, who agree to do so, in completing the Indigenous Engagement Requirements under EDMA. The province has provided $40,000 of funding to each Local Authority to meet the requirements. The RDCK will undertake a coordinated approach by pooling funds to maximize effectiveness and efficiency. A portion of the funds will be used to hire a consulting firm to design and facilitate the engagement process between the participating local authorities and First Nations.

Regional Accessibility Advisory Committee Framework

The Board endorsed the RDCK Accessibility Framework which will be used as a reference in the development of the RDCK Accessibility Plan. The RDCK is committed to building a community that is truly diverse, equitable, inclusive and accessible. These objectives will be achieved through strategic initiatives and meaningful actions aimed at ensuring every resident can participate fully and equally. The next steps are to identity the priorities and steps required to create a comprehensive three-year accessibility plan and to establish a feedback mechanism for the public to provide experiences related to accessibility.

Directors Reports

RDCK Directors provide monthly reports outlining what they have been working on. Click here to read the November reports in the Board minutes.

RDCK Quarterly Report

For the latest RDCK Quarterly Report, which details the current projects and initiatives of the RDCK, please follow the link.

Click here to view a print-friendly PDF version.

The content on this page was last updated November 26 2024 at 11:54 PM