RDCK Board Highlights - July 2024

Water and Wastewater System Acquisition Plan

The Board approved the 2024 Water and Wastewater Acquisition Plan and rescinded the moratorium on the acquisition of water and wastewater systems. The next step is for staff to bring forth an updated policy for system acquisition to replace the current policy. The RDCK suspended intake of new water and wastewater systems in August 2011. The objectives of the acquisition plan is to offer long term solutions to small water systems in the region. Many of these water systems face a number of challenges, including water quality issues, aging infrastructure, and inadequate cost recovery. Any water and wastewater system located within the RDCK boundaries can submit an expression of interest to become a RDCK service.

Defined Area D Medical First Responder Service

The Board adopted the Defined Area D Medical First Responder Bylaw. Elector approval for the new bylaws was obtained through the Alternative Approval Process. The new bylaw will establish a medical first responder service to provide pre-hospital care by responders trained by an accredited agency and licensed by the Emergency Medical Assistant Licensing Board. Services will be provided to areas of Electoral Area D not part of the Kaslo Fire Protection Area. Click here to view a detailed map.

Central Kootenay Food Policy Council

The Board authorized staff enter into an agreement with the Central Kootenay Food Policy Council (CKFCP) Grow & Connect Interior project for a one time grant of $20,000 to create a platform where local food industry stakeholders can improve their food distribution processes. The Grow & Connect Interior project presents a new and innovative response to effective and efficient food distribution in the RDCK which is a long standing challenge for producers and processors.

CKFCP is a local organization that coordinates information sharing and networking groups for food systems organizations in the region, provides public education on the local and global food system, undertake local food systems research projects, and make policy recommendations that enhance the vibrancy and resiliency of the food system in the region.

State of Climate Action Report

The 2023 State of Climate Action (SOCA) report is now complete and ready for distribution. The annual report is meant to help the RDCK track the progress towards its climate action objectives and targets, evaluate and improve its climate action initiatives and efforts, maintain public transparency, and demonstrate climate action leadership. Click here to read the 2023 SOCA.

Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing

In 2023 the BC Legislature passed several pieces of legislation that changed the local government land use planning framework with the purpose to provide more housing, in the right places, faster. This included Bill 44 Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act. As a result, the RDCK is required to update its zoning bylaws to comply with the small-scale multi-unit housing (SSMUH) requirements of Bill 44.

Over the last two Board meetings the Board approved land use amendment bylaws for Electoral Areas A, B, C, D, F, G, I, J and K to comply with the SSMUH requirements. The aim of SSMUH legislation is to increase housing supply and create more diverse and affordable housing choices. Examples of SSMUH include secondary suites, detached accessory dwelling units (garden suites, laneway homes), and duplexes.

Directors Reports

RDCK Directors provide monthly reports outlining what they have been working on. Click here to read the July reports in the Board minutes.

RDCK Quarterly Report

For the latest RDCK Quarterly Report, which details the current projects and initiatives of the RDCK, please follow the link.

Click here for a print-friendly PDF version. 

The content on this page was last updated August 2 2024 at 12:46 AM