RDCK Board Highlights - April 2024
April 30, 2024
RDCK Adopts RDCK Ideas for Climate Action
The Board of Directors adopted the RDCK Ideas for Climate Action. Following extensive public time and a thorough debate between the Directors, the Board voted in favour of the following resolution:
That staff be directed to explore new climate action items impacting RDCK residents and make recommendations to the Board based on the RDCK Ideas for Climate Action document presented at the April 18, 2024 Board meeting, and FURTHER, that those items that were identified as high priorities in our consultation process, are practicable, and fiscally feasible are presented to the Board with a business case prior to proceeding, with funding ideally being provided by polluter superfunds.
The RDCK Ideas for Climate Action include potential actions in the following areas: transportation and mobility, planning for growth, supporting farmers, improving water access for farmers, protecting and conserving water, mitigating risks from floods and geohazards, wood chipping, and divestment from fossil fuel investments.
Due to interest in this Board item, there was significant public attendance at the meeting with over 160 people online and in person. As a result, the Board allowed for one hour of public time instead of the normal 15 minutes to answer all questions from the public.
Electoral Area D Medical First Responder Service – Alternative Approval Process
The Board directed staff to proceed with obtaining approval of the electors within a defined portion of Electoral Area D to establish the Defined Area D Medical First Responder Bylaw. This defined part of Electoral Area D is not included in the Kaslo Fire Protection Area. The new bylaw would establish a service for the purpose of providing immediate life saving interventions on scene while awaiting additional medical resources or transport.
Approval is to be obtained through the Alternative Approval Process (AAP). The Board obtains approval if fewer than 10% of eligible electors in the area covered by the AAP submit elector response forms in opposition of the particular matter. The elector response form must be received before 4:00 pm on June 17, 2024.
RDCK staff will be on hand at the Lardeau Valley Marketfest & Emergency Preparedness Fair on Sunday, May 12 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Meadow Creek Bar & Grill (13308 Highway 31) to answer any questions you may have about the proposed service.
New user fees and rental fees for RDCK Community Services
The Board approved a 3.9% increase to all user fees and rental fees at the Castlegar & District Community Complex, Creston & District Community Complex, Nelson & District Community Complex, and Salmo & Area G Recreation effective September 3, 2024. The increase is based upon the February 2024 British Columbia cost of Living Index increase of 3.9%. Recreation services at the RDCK are funded through a combination of user fees and taxation, resulting in recreation being subsidized by the community for the benefit of the community. Click here for the new fees and charges for admissions and rentals.
Kitchener Fire Response Petition
The Board approved staff to prepare a petition, regarding the establishment of a fire response service for the community of Kitchener in Electoral Area B. The proposed service area includes 215 properties and the potential fire response service would be managed under contract by the Town of Creston.
The owners of parcels in an Electoral Area may sign and submit to the RDCK a petition for a service in all or part of that Electoral Area. Each page of a petition must:
- Describe in general terms the service that is proposed;
- Define the boundaries of the proposed service area;
- Indicate in general terms the proposed method for recovering annual costs;
- Contain other information that the Board may require.
For a petition to be valid, it must be signed by owners of at least 50 percent of the parcels that would be liable to pay for the proposed service that represent at least 50 percent of the assessed value of land and improvements that would be in the proposed service area.
RDCK Board Meeting Recordings
Starting with the April 2024 RDCK Board meeting, all monthly Board meetings will now be recorded and shared with the public. All recordings can be found on the RDCK YouTube page.
Director’s Reports
RDCK Directors provide monthly reports outlining what they have been working on. Click here to read the April reports in the Board minutes.
RDCK Quarterly Report
For the latest RDCK Quarterly Report, which details the current projects and initiatives of the RDCK, please follow the link.
Click here for a print-friendly PDF version.
The content on this page was last updated April 30 2024 at 7:23 AM