Hamill Creek Logjam Update
September 5, 2024
Nelson, BC: Since August 22, the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK), working along side provincial geotechnical experts, have been monitoring the logjam in Hamill Creek located in Electoral Area D, near the community of Argenta, approximately 1.25 km up from the Hamill Creek Bridge. Weekly flights have been taken to survey the logjam and no significant changes in the logjam have been observed. There will be no further monitoring at this time.
Logjams such as this occur frequently in natural systems, and can often be stable for many years. The logjam will be evaluated as part of the post wildfire natural hazard risk analysis process for the Argenta Creek wildfire by the Province; this report once available later this fall, will be posted and shared on the RDCK website. Any residents determined to be at increased risk as a result of the findings will also have the report mailed to them.
Should residents observe changing conditions, i.e. a pulsing flow pattern, large unnatural variations in the water levels of the creek, or abnormally dirty water, move away from the creek channel and call the Provincial Emergency Coordinator Centre at 1.800.663.3456 to report these conditions.
If you have any further questions, contact the RDCK Emergency Operations Centre at 250.352.7701.
The content on this page was last updated September 5 2024 at 3:17 AM