Request For Proposal - Natural Asset Management Plan of Ymir Watershed/Quartz Creek
The intent of this project is to create a natural asset management plan for Ymir Water System on Quartz Creek drinking water watershed.
This natural asset management plan (NAMP) will inform decisions about how best to manage the Quartz Creek drinking water watershed and will consider:
- Managing risk through an understanding of what services are delivered by the Quartz Creek drinking water watershed and the costs of replacing them if damaged;
- Reducing costs by managing this natural asset such that it can provide services in perpetuity;
- Maintaining the health of the watershed and Quartz Creek.
Propoals will be accepted in accordance with the Instructions to Proponents until 4:00 pm Local Time, October 9, 2024.
For more information contact:
Paris Marshall-Smith
Project Manager
The content on this page was last updated September 18 2024 at 7:22 AM