RDCK Board Highlights - May 2023

Resident Directed (ReDi) grant funding

The Board approved the 2023 Columbia Basin Trust Resident Directed (ReDi) grant funding. A total of $1,402,026.37 in funding will be allocated to 312 different project proposals. This year marked a return to in-person public engagement meetings. 22 area intake meetings were held during the month of April. Click here for a complete list of all the recipients of ReDi funding. The programs support local projects that provide additional value to Basin communities, and that benefit the broad community and public good.

Housing Action Plan

The Board endorsed the RDCK Housing Action Plan prepared by M’Akola Development Services Ltd. and direct staff to draft an implementation work plan to be considered by the Board at a future meeting. The plan identifies practical, realistic and achievable actions to help address needs for affordable, accessible and inclusive housing in the RDCK’s 11 Electoral Areas. Click here to read the complete plan (pg. 338).

Lardeau Valley Opportunity LINKS Society Pilot

The Board approved $6,500 in funding to support a Lardeau Valley Opportunity LINKS Society pilot of residential power back up/renewable home assessment and rebates. The goal of the program is to build energy resilience in homes that deal with frequent and prolonged power failures. Similar to the FireSmart program, consultants will come to your home and provide a free assessment, providing recommendations for what the building or property needs to ensure grid resilience. If the program is successful, it could be expanded to additional RDCK communities.

Funding for feasibility and planning study for an indoor sports facility

The Board approved a grant of $5,000 for the Nelson Soccer Association to conduct a feasibility and planning study for an indoor sports facility. The funding will come from the Nelson and District Recreation Commission No. 5 budget. This commission includes the City of Nelson, Electoral Area F and part of Electoral Area E. The study, which will be conducted by RC Strategies, will identify primary and secondary program components, potential sites, as well as impacts on existing facilities, capital and operating financial implications, and recommend a course of action.

RDCK Quarterly Report

The Board received the 2023 Q1 Quarterly Report which details the current projects and initiatives of the RDCK. Please follow the link to the most recent RDCK Quarterly Report.

Directors Reports

RDCK Directors provide monthly reports outlining what they have been working on. Click here to read the May reports in the Board minutes (agenda item 4.4, pg. 157).

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The content on this page was last updated May 26 2023 at 6:59 AM